Sangha lovers said:
I met Zeynep in 2015. She had chosen a new path for herself. Curiously, enthusiastically he was telling and teaching. That day is today Qi gong in my life. Then we got our Sangha. This place became my home, it supported me, it gave me strength. Sangha means family, peace, togetherness for me. This teaching has changed my connection with life, my attitude towards life. Glad our paths were cut off. gratefully
Görkem Orbay - Dentist
Sangha has been an escape point for me for the last 1 year, where I find peace. In addition to discovering many new things about myself with the Qi Gong lessons I continued, I also met very nice people. I would recommend this warm environment to everyone, where you can gain new perspectives on your health.
Evren Çağlayan - Web Developer
I can’t imagine what situation I would be in now if I hadn’t met my dear teacher Zeynep and Qi Gong! After my Parkinson’s diagnosis 2 years ago, I read that one of the best sports I can do is Qi Gong in many foreign university articles and I started this struggle 1-0 ahead. I think it’s been more than 4 years since we first met. Even though the movements that were very slow when we first started, it seemed boring at the end, because I felt very good at the end, my instincts said to continue. Over time, as I began to deepen, I realized how important and valuable we were doing. Especially to prevent the negativities that may happen to us after a certain age. You are already saying goodbye to shoulder, back and knee pain. You cannot believe that you have found a solution with such simple movements instead of physiotherapy for years. Not to mention his help with the negative effects of Parkinson’s… By the way, I had the chance to go to Thailand with my teacher and work in the clinic for 2 weeks. I was having trouble walking on the way, my friends who observed me the most noticed the difference on the way back and couldn’t believe it! At that time I had not yet been diagnosed. I think I gained an extra 2 years thanks to Qi Qong. It is difficult to describe how valuable it is to learn to be at the center and correct the wrong habits of movement we have acquired over the years. The sooner you start, the more life will be easier and the quality will increase. Especially if you have this chance in a place like Sangha Aspat, you look forward to the lessons. Thank you Zeynep, my dear teacher. I’m glad you set your heart on this and we’re behind you.
Serap Özbay - Producer