About Sangha
Sangha in Sanskrit means "to gather". A community of people, gathering for a higher purpose. A group of friends that are coming together to practice the principles of the Law of the Nature- Dhamma. Aiming to achieve awareness, understanding, acceptance, integrity and harmony in life.
Sangha Aspat with this vision was built as a healing and meditation center on the foothills of Aspat Mountain in Akyarlar Bodrum to learn, to practice, to share and to heal by following the principles of the Law of Nature, Dhamma. And being inspired by the flow of Nature, as a healing and meditation center, we aim to approach body and mind holistically and to maintain awareness, balance and wellnes by using the practices of Thai Qi Holistics and its TQH System.
Thai Qi Holistics is a holistic clinic and education centre based in Chiang Mai-Thailand. Welcoming students and patients internationally. With patient services and educational activities, clinic is offering rehabilitation opportunities for treating body and mind discomfort and disorders with the holistic understanding.
TQH System has been developed by the founder of Thai Qi Holistics Clinic- a Chinese medicine doctor and Qi Gong Master, Ajahn Toh. As a highly esteemed holistic doctor within Thai Buddhist community, Ajahn Toh integrates Chinese medicine & the principles of ancient Qi Gong practice with the understanding of Buddhist philosophy - Dhamma. By synergizing both aspects, system aims create a more dynamic and holistic approach to maintain awareness and wellness for the body and mind.
Through our education and treatment programs you can expect;
-Group classes to learn about mind and body connection, understanding movement habits through motion and breathing exercises
-Personalized programs for each individual, according to their own physical or mental discomforts or disease
-Getting constant support by our system to be encouraged to take responsibility for your own life and well being.
-Getting guidance to participate on your own self healing process and to gain your optimal health.
-Cultivating compassion for yourself and others.
-Challenging you in your mind and body habits and guiding to open up the mind for a deeper understanding.
Zeynep Oral Gürpınar
Senior Qi Gong Instructor
Since 2014, I have been intesively studying with my master Ajarn Toh who is the creator of the TQH system, Qi Gong master and Chinese Medicine doctor- at his clinic Thai Qi Holistics which is an educational and rehabilitation centre based in Chiang Mai-Thailand.
Being so impressed by the depth of the TQH system, after 8 years of many visits to Thailand and to Retreats of TQH in Bali-Indonesia, I decided to establish Sangha Aspat in Bodrum to share this way of living. I am stil continuing my education and working with my teacher 5 days of a week via online.
Sangha Aspat aims to have a holistic approach on human body and mind, with the principles of the Law of Nature - Dhamma and with the ancient knowledge of Qi Gong practice and Chinese Medicine.

Hazal Zeynep Altunal
Qi Gong Instructor
I met Qi Gong in 2016 through Zeynep, who is a senior TQH instructor and she’s also my cousin. I realized in 2016 that I was in need for guidance to heal, after I had my spine broken in a traffic accident. Although it was a very challenging experience both physically and mentally, looking back I see how lucky I was to be introduced to the healing practice of Qi Gong.
Feeling grateful for the chain of events and connections that led me there, I have been going to Thai Qi Holistics / my school of medical Qi gong and its retreats in Thailand and Indonesia. After 5 years of traineeship I have started teaching and became an instructor in 2021.
Before Qi Gong entered my life my body and mind were in a state of high alert. I was having pain and due to the trauma my balance was completely off. Then from the first time I practiced Qi Gong, it has been bringing me a sense of direction in life both physically and spiritually.